
Play the demo here! Solo Project: Ongoing. A 3D first person photography game about taking pictures of cute cryptids. Made in Unity with C#. Check

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Solo Project. A Node.js server that generates a color palette based on a Pokemon. Handles requests to two APIs: Pokeapi and Color Summarizer. Spring 2017.

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Gone Buggin’

Solo Project. A web based game heavily inspired by Animal Crossing’s bug catching mechanic. Utilizes the Canvas API and features real world bugs. Made in

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Moth Engine

Solo Project. A simple OpenGL engine that loads and renders both 2D images and 3D models. To demonstrate its features, it includes a simple game where

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Reptile Rumpus

Solo Project. A simulation of sorts that takes place in a reptile store where all the lizards have escaped their tanks in search of lizard food.

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Slow & Furious

Solo Project. Created assets and scripts for a 2D Shmup where a sloth gets revenge against their natural predator: the harpy eagle. Some base code

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