Scare Tactics

2nd Place Winner of Rensselaer GameFest 2016. Created concept art, character designs, and texture assets for a grad student capstone game. Features asymmetric gameplay where

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Moth Engine

Solo Project. A simple OpenGL engine that loads and renders both 2D images and 3D models. To demonstrate its features, it includes a simple game where

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Ghost Hunter Character Designs

Character designs for the protagonists of the game Scare Tactics. ———-Final Designs———-   ———-Front, Back, Side Views———- ———-Initial Sketches———-

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Reptile Rumpus

Solo Project. A simulation of sorts that takes place in a reptile store where all the lizards have escaped their tanks in search of lizard food.

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A series of strange creatures representing playable characters illustrated for the game Zany Zoology: Survival of the Weirdest   

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